e-prevention and risk reduction in festive environments. Know more, risk less

Buying “drugs” online: What are the dangers?

- Product quality
- Reliability
- You can see the product and evaluate its quality

- Fast delivery, as if anonymous
- Refund guarantee in case of non-delivery or if unsatisfied

If I always buy from the same website, I always get the same quality

Some apps offer films with people using the product: this feels reassuring

It’s practical and simple! (only a few clicks)

- No street dealing
- No problems with the police
- Purchasing security

All the substances you want! and even those you don’t know

Living with the times: it’s modern!

- Free samples to try out new sensations
- Reviews from internet users (biased?)

Promotional ad for lower prices

On peut voir le produit et juger de sa qualité

*from data of CEIP-A Paris (Addictovigilance)

I consume more than expected because of the ease of access: all it takes is one click!

Deception on product purity

The illusion of product quality! with films? pictures? fake quality controls?

Access to product purchasing is faster than the search for product information

Deception on the product itself:

MXE instead of Ketamine
3-MMC instead of 4-MEC
5-MeO-MIPT instead of Alpha-PVP
Ephylone instead of 3-MMC
With all the unexpected side effects that come with it…

When I decide to withdraw, I get obsessed with follow-up emails!

You’re the guinea pig!

I’m offered to try free products… I consume more than what I initially intended to

OVERDOSE associated with the variation in purity (cardiac toxicity, coma, psychiatric effects…)

Variation in purity = variation in the perceived effects

The Internet has never been a guarantee of quality! (whether for buying medicines or drugs)

Inadequacy between labelling and content: there is deception on the product!

Subjected to the marketing techniques of sales sites, I’m influenced in my choices of products and consumption

Most of substances sold online are classified as narcotic drugs, with the associated criminal consequences

Find out about actual facts and risks: what we know about products purchased online…

Resist the influence, stay in control of your consumption!

Beware of marketing ploys

Buying online is no guarantee for quality whatsoever and does not replace risk reduction knowledge, quite the contrary. Especially since the Internet is full of verified information… Do your own research

No matter why you came to this page, either you decided to buy designer drugs (4-MEc, 3MMC, ketamùine, buphedrone, etc.) or to use some of the products listed on our website, maybe it’s maybe it’s just curiosity to learn or you are worrying about one of your relatives, we will give you answers and leads about harm prevention in order to limit aggravating factors associated with designer drugs use.

In partnership with
• In any case call or have somebody call 112 or 15 (in France)
• if the person is conscious :
- keep him/her awake by talking to her.
• if the person is uncounscious : undo his/her tight clothes, check if he/she’s breathing and put him/her in recovery position
• stay with him/her until emergency services arrive and inquire about the location of a defibrillator