e-prevention and risk reduction in festive environments. Know more, risk less

Cocaine, Crack

No matter why you came to this page, either you decided to buy cocaine or to use some of the products listed on our website, maybe it’s just curiosity to learn or you are worrying about one of your relatives, we will give you answers and leads about harm prevention in order to limit aggravating factors associated with cocaine use.

Coke, crack, Blow... is a stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant. It is made into a white powder (cocaine hydrochloride).

It’s most often snorted but can also be injected by intravenous route (shoot) or smoled, mainly as crack. Crack (stone, rock…) is obtained by adding bicarbonate or ammonia to cocaine hydrochloride. Be careful, cocaine is often cut with other substances.


Cocaine increases the heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. The up-phase is fast, leads to euphoria and a feeling of power and intellectual power. Cocaine can mimic increased vigilance, hinder feelings of fatigue and physical shock.

Snorted cocaine can be felt after 10 minutes to an hour. With smoking or shooting, the effects are faster, more intense and shorter, which leads to a high addiction risk.

Crack is a form that is destined to be smoked, its effects are more intense than cocaine, they appear faster but also disappear faster (“flash effect”).


Cocaine leads to contraction of the arteries and hypertension which can cause cardiovascular accidents, heart attacks, strokes, harm to lungs, muscles and kidneys. Strong dose intake may cause fever, frenzy or spasms. Cocaine is an irritating product which often causes lesions to skin and mucous membranes, which can deteriorate into necrosis (irritation of the nasal septum, anal mucosa, bleeding, risk of skin abscess at the needle point). Regular use can cause psychiatric disorders: mood swings, strong anxiety, persecutory delusions, dementia… To be wanting to use it until you have no more, to take some more is a sign of psychological dependency.

Pregnant women risk foetal deformities. The comedown can come with muscular cramps, exhaustion and depression…

Those risks increase when the cocaine is injected or used in a “base” form (crack/free base). With injection, the risk of overdose (cardiac rhythm disturbance) is higher. Crack quickly leads to brain damage (paranoia, suicidal states).


Cocaine use is particularly dangerous in cases of epilepsy, hypertension, asthma, psychiatric disorders, heart problems, liver or kidney problems, diabetes. The association with alcohol increases toxicity and masks intoxication. The effect of ecstasy is also masked by the effect of cocaine. Hence, there is a risk of overdosing to achieve the desired effect. The use of sexual stimulants such as Viagra® or Cialis® increases the risk of cardiac disorders.

In partnership with
• In any case call or have somebody call 112 or 15 (in France)
• if the person is conscious :
- keep him/her awake by talking to her.
• if the person is uncounscious : undo his/her tight clothes, check if he/she’s breathing and put him/her in recovery position
• stay with him/her until emergency services arrive and inquire about the location of a defibrillator